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The Basic Elements of Design

The Basic Elements of Design

What makes up a design? Design can be very overwhelming to get into when all you look at are the fin...

The Principles of Design

The Principles of Design

[In my previous post](, I stated the followi...

The Gestalt Principles of Design

The Gestalt Principles of Design

The human brain makes sense of the world through pattern and logic. The Gestalt Principles help us u...

Exploring Hierarchy: Hierarchy as Revolution

Exploring Hierarchy: Hierarchy as Revolution

Some designers will call Hierarchy "Order". In reality, the names don't matter, but the ideas they c...

Design Elements and Pathfinding

Design Elements and Pathfinding

In this post, we're going to begin exploring the basic terms used when creating a composition. We wi...

Introduction to Typography

Introduction to Typography

Typography has always been an indispensable tool in the designer's toolkit. Picking the right typefa...